You are looking because you know there is something more.
Something bigger, more clear, more pure, more raw.
Deep within your core, your soul, you can feel it but can’t grab onto it.
You know you can add more value to the world. More value to yourself. More value to your family, your community, the universe.
You also know you haven’t gone deep.
Haven’t truly tested what’s inside you.
Tested your potential, your ideas, your assumptions, your thoughts, your mind. Tested what’s really within YOU.
Never REALLY uncovered to a level you know is possible.
You might be impressing, even fooling others with what you have done until now.
You are also proud that you have gotten further than most.
Worked harder, taken on more stress, more risk, more creative energy.
But you know deep within -100% honest, no bullshit – you know there is more.
More life, more value, more happiness, more hunger, more love, more contribution, more.
You know this life is limitless but you also know you are not there.
You already know how to get where you are and probably a little further.
Is this really where you want to be?
How much time are you going to waste?
You know you can be better, bigger, bolder. MORE.
You need to go deeper.
No fucking around deeper.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel.
To the bone.
Metal on metal.
Lets talk.